
Monday, November 29, 2010

In a pinch, a baby wipe can be used to clean red wine from a sofa cushion.

Things I've learned since becoming a mom:

1. In a pinch, a baby wipe can be used to quickly clean red wine from a sofa cushion...a fact I only discovered when I attempted to turn the cushion over, only to realize there already was a stain on the other side of the cushion.

2. The hardest part of parenting is worry.  I already worry about virtually every aspect of my life and adding a child to the mix has made my worrying, at times, unbearable.  It is cold and flu season and the first stomach bug has hit Ben's daycare.  I never imagined I could spend hours staring at a child, looking for signs of illness.  And, I'm not entirely sure what I'm scared of.  Is it fear of seeing my baby ill, fear of how I will handle his illness, fear that I will get sick?  A combination of all of the above, I'm sure.

3. A dog is an absolutely necessary household appliance after children reach the self-feeding stage.  I spent part of the Thanksgiving weekend with Chad's family and I was shocked at how messy Ben got the floors.  Food doesn't even hit the floor in our house, it is snatched by one dog or the other as soon as it leaves the high chair tray.

Friday, November 12, 2010


My poor little boy just can't catch a break!  What I thought was just milk residue turned out to be, upon further inspection, thrush.  Thrush is not usually a big deal and will clear up on its own, but Ben definitely seemed uncomfortable.  A quick call to the doctor and a late night trip to Walgreen's resulted in a prescription for Nystatin.  As usual, our anything but ordinary child willingly opens his mouth to receive the thick yellow medicine.  He definitely has us spoiled!  I can't imagine another child taking medicine as easily as Ben does!

Things I'm adding to my "Work Wishlist"

1. Adobe CS5.  Can I do my job with the prehistoric CS2 that I'm currently using?  Of course.  Would I be like a kid in a candy store with an upgrade?  Absolutely.

So, I'm abusing my priviledges at work and borrowing some chairs and a table for Ben's Big 0-1 party tomorrow.  I asked hubby if it was alright if I took his truck to work so that I would have more room for said table and chairs.  He hesitantly agreed.  This morning, he drove the truck out of the garage and left it running for me.  He then walked me to the truck and pointed out the specifics: clutch, brake, lights, etc.  I humored him and set out on my merry way.  A mere 10 minutes into my drive, my phone rings.  Without picking up the phone, I instinctively know it is the hubby checking up on me.  Clearly I should have regaled him with more stories from my teen years in my two-tone brown 1987 F-250, so that he might trust my ability with a stick-shift!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Boxes, boxes, boxes!

So, after having our house on the market for over a year, it has finally sold!!!!  I am shocked at the mixed emotions that the hubby and I are feeling right now.  We both have lots of complaints about our current home: too small, no closets, unfinished basement, one bathroom, etc.  But we also love our cozy country farmette.  In our minds, we know we need a larger home to accomodate our growing family.  In our hearts, we're going to miss our first home, the house we moved into all by ourselves, brought our baby home to, and the place we spent the first six years of our married life.  But, as I struggle to put away toys in closets that don't exist and wait my turn for the bathroom, my mind takes over and I begin dreaming of bigger and better things.

Things I have learned I cannot live without:

1. A closet just inside the door for coats and shoes:  apparently, some people have visible kitchen chairs, ones without coats draped over them!

2. A separate entrance for the dogs, possibly with their own tub to rinse before entering the main house.

3. Multiple bathrooms, I honestly don't believe God intended for man to share a bathroom with his spouse.

Oh, an if moving into a new house isn't stressful enough, my baby is turning 1 on Saturday!  One one hand, it seems like just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital.  On the other hand, it feels like he's been a part of our lives forever!  From eating, sleeping, pooping to crawling, toddling, smiling and laughing--it's hard to believe how much joy one person can bring into your life!