My poor little boy just can't catch a break! What I thought was just milk residue turned out to be, upon further inspection, thrush. Thrush is not usually a big deal and will clear up on its own, but Ben definitely seemed uncomfortable. A quick call to the doctor and a late night trip to Walgreen's resulted in a prescription for Nystatin. As usual, our anything but ordinary child willingly opens his mouth to receive the thick yellow medicine. He definitely has us spoiled! I can't imagine another child taking medicine as easily as Ben does!
Things I'm adding to my "Work Wishlist"
1. Adobe CS5. Can I do my job with the prehistoric CS2 that I'm currently using? Of course. Would I be like a kid in a candy store with an upgrade? Absolutely.
So, I'm abusing my priviledges at work and borrowing some chairs and a table for Ben's Big 0-1 party tomorrow. I asked hubby if it was alright if I took his truck to work so that I would have more room for said table and chairs. He hesitantly agreed. This morning, he drove the truck out of the garage and left it running for me. He then walked me to the truck and pointed out the specifics: clutch, brake, lights, etc. I humored him and set out on my merry way. A mere 10 minutes into my drive, my phone rings. Without picking up the phone, I instinctively know it is the hubby checking up on me. Clearly I should have regaled him with more stories from my teen years in my two-tone brown 1987 F-250, so that he might trust my ability with a stick-shift!
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