
Monday, October 11, 2010

Fall Festivals and Warm Fuzzies

I just got out of a staff meeting so long I actually watched my fingernails grow while it was going on.  Hidden among the tedious topics that did nothing to shorten my "to do" list, was a report from one of our staff members who attended the fall festival at Vir-Clar Farms in Fond du Lac over the weekend.  Though I had a great time celebrating the Badger football win on Saturday, I really feel my time would have been better spent attending the festival.  It is a great example of a truly inspiring farm family reaching out to their community.  I can't begin to imagine the time it took to organize this event which drew thousands of people and featured farm tours plus face painting, a tricycle obstacle course and tons of other kid-friendly events.  Kudos to the Vir-Clar bunch for creating an event that was fun for the whole family and that was a great chance to teach non-farm folks where their food comes from.  I hope they continue to host this event in the future and I hope more producers follow suit and consider reaching out to their communities!

Aside from spending Saturday with great friends and family, we also crossed things off our household to-do list.  The hubby spent all day Sunday filling our basement with wood, which almost guarantees we'll finally sell the house we've had listed for months and months.  I pitched in during naptime, which got me the appreciation of my husband plus plenty of cuts, scrapes and slivers. 

So, I will go back to work and continue to lick my weekend wounds. 

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