
Monday, October 18, 2010

Patent Leather Peep Toe Slingbacks

Do you ever have those days when you need a little something to boost your confidence?  I had one of those days today.  I've got a stressful few weeks ahead of me and I knew my black peep toe pumps would give me the extra boost of confidence I needed to face my challenges head on.  I suppose everyone has their own confidence boosters, but for me, if I dress the part, I can act the part.  So I put on my gray shift dress, my pumps and hit the road.  I must admit, it worked.  Day one of the challenging time was not nearly as bad as I expected it to be!

One of my stressers traces back to my motherhood apprehension.  Ben is approaching his first birthday and we have begun to introduce cow's milk in a sippy cup.  It never ceases to amaze me how much advice can be found on all things baby.  So, now my mind is home to another battle:  No bottle after one year?  Introduce cow's milk as a beverage with meals?  Serve the milk in his bottle?  Am I hindering his development?  Am I taking away his security?  I know deep down that whatever decision we make, Ben will adjust because he is a very resilient kid.  That knowledge doesn't take away my worry, however.  I also vaguely remember hearing something about parenting and worrying going hand in hand, but I could be mistaken...

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